
Welcome to The Art & Skill of Balayage!

I'm so happy you've decided to invest in your hairdressing career! 

Learning to master the skill of balayage will elevate your craft and take your business to the next level!

Here is all of your content!

Each week a class will open Wednesday and Sunday! Since this is an “express” class, you get double the content weekly!

Enjoy this course and remember, you have this content for life, so PLEASE do not fret if you “get behind” or want to take it at a slower pace! I just wanted to get you guys painting before the holidays- IF that feels right to you!

This is your course, theres no right or wrong way to go through it. (Although I did organize it in a certain order to build on itself)

If you haven't joined already, please join the private Facebook group here:

Classic Pieces: Opens October 17, 2018

V Pieces: Opens October 21, 2018

Ombre/Sombre: Opens October 24, 2018

Heavy Blondes & Retouches: Opens October 28, 2018

Color & Balayage/Reverse Balayage: Opens October 31, 2018

Short Hair Balayage: Opens November 4, 2018